
Blood Orange Mojito

There are two things I love when creating recipes and one is getting a random ingredient and using it as a base. The other is thinking of a way to use it especially when it comes to classic recipes. When I bought blood oranges at Trader Joe’s this weekend, I had a salad in mind. And then I thought what else could I make which led to this blood orange mojito.

Mojitos are a cuban cocktail that consist of a smaller proportion of alcohol paired with a larger proportion of non alcoholic mix. It is very herbaceous thanks to the addition of mint. Add in a little sugar, white rum, lime, club soda and you have yourself a mojito.

In this take of the mojito, I add blood orange, mint and lime juice to a glass then I muddle it. After that I added some sugar, ice and club soda. This drink has the perfect balance of sweet, herbiness and it’s just perfect for summer.

Blood Orange Mojito

Classic Mojito with blood orange

  • 2 blood oranges
  • 2 limes
  • 2-3 tsp cane sugar
  • 10-15 mint leaves
  • 3 oz white rum
  • club soda (splash)
  1. Peel the blood oranges and cut in half. Place 2 halves into 2 separate glasses and squeeze the lime juice between the glasses.

  2. Split the mint leaves between the glasses and use a muddler to muddle until fragrant. Add sugar and give it a stir. Next add some ice to the glasses, rum and top off with a splash of club soda. Be sure to give it another stir until combined. Sip away and enjoy!

Blood Orange, cocktail, Mojito

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